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(You can cancel ANYTIME during the 14 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my account.” Or, you can contact our support team through, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.)

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Our Happiness Guarantee

Our goal is to help you gain the confidence and skills to create a simpler, more traditional lifestyle through homesteading. We know you're placing your trust in us to do that- and we honor that.

If you are unhappy with the Garden. Farm. Thrive. Academy and wish to leave, you are free to do so at any time.

Even though I believe the Garden. Farm. Thrive. Academy will create HUGE changes in your life, there is absolutely no risk in this for you.

​Should you wish to cancel, simply do so before the 14-day free trial expires. Your credit card will not be charged and the free gifts will be yours to keep.

Real People. Real Homesteads. Real Success.

"Shelby has been a huge help navigating my first goat kidding season. She has been so gracious, kind, and freely giving advice and tips to have a successful season. When faced with a challenge, our farm owner says “Go ask your goat friend. I’m sure she’ll know the answer” and sure enough, Shelby would have a recommendation to try. I’m so thankful for Shelby’s generosity in giving recommendations and tips. It has been very helpful to get through this kidding season. Her website has been very helpful for all kinds of resources pertaining to goats and more as well!"

- Ashley S., Clover Farms of Florida

"I wish I had discovered Shelby DeVore when I started homesteading last year. The information that she gives is both informative and inspiring! In her classes, she does a great job of giving you the nuts and bolts for gardening and traditional skills and explains complex topics simply and clearly. I was armed with much better information to get started this year and I can finally stop Googling the things that are not going quite right on the homestead."

–Danette Cathcart

"Shelby is a really good teacher and you can tell that her background is in education and she's really good at actually teaching you. She's very thorough and I enjoy learning from her. She's very trustworthy and well-researched but she's not too in the weeds that somebody who doesn't know as much as can't follow along and learn from her. She takes big concepts and breaks them down into small pieces that are easy to understand. "

–Angelyn McDonald

"I just want to thank you so much for your helpful information on raising livestock and growing our own food on our homestead. This year was the year that we finally got our act together and started to try to be self-sustaining on our homestead. Mid-May we broke ground for a rather large garden (53’ x 35’). This was no small task for a couple of seniors (mid-60s). We also raised a small flock of chickens for meat, processed them, and put them in the freezer. I wanted to tell you that with your encouragement we were not so apprehensive about starting this venture. Next year we hope to raise a couple of pigs and maybe a calf also adding a few turkeys to the meat birds. Our veggie freezer is packed full and our meat freezer is full of chicken. Sat down for supper tonight, had roast chicken with all the fixings, and it all came from our homestead except the salad dressing and the tomato juice. Sure felt good to know that we had pure vegetables and chicken with no chemicals added."

- Deb and Finn

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this sign me up for a monthly subscription?

The Garden. Farm. Thrive. Academy is a monthly membership program. If you sign up for this offer, you'll get a free trial into the Academy that will automatically renew when the trial is up. If you choose not to stay in the Academy, simply cancel your subscription at any time and the Toolbox is yours to keep for free.

What if I forget to cancel my Academy membership?

We don't want you to pay for resources that you aren't going to use. Because of this, we'll send reminder emails when your trial is nearing an end so you have the heads-up to cancel if you'd like.

Can I access these materials from anywhere?

The digital resources in the Academy and Toolbox can be watched or reviewed anywhere that you have internet access. You can watch them from your phone, a tablet, or desktop.

How much time will this take?

The beauty of the Academy and these resources is that you can work through the courses and materials at your own pace. You can access what you need, when you need it. Many homesteaders spend a lot of time struggling with projects that end up wasting time and aren't productive. The goal setting resources in the Toolbox and Academy will help you avoid those problems and spend time focusing on the projects that make the most sense for you.

I'm already in a similar program. How is this different?

There are similar programs out there that you can sign up for, but none of them offer everything you need to be successful. In the Garden. Farm. Thrive. Academy, you'll get access to the growing library of courses and resources, the private community, the podcast and more. As a member, you'll get exclusive access to member-only events and have the ability to ask Shelby your homesteading questions. The difference is you'll get all of the support you need to be successful as a homesteader.

Can't I learn this on YouTube for free?

Here's the deal. Looking for expert advice that is safe and accurate on YouTube and the internet is like searching for a needle in a haystack. We've seen some downright scary and dangerous advice being shown on YouTube and social media. It can be hard to know what's accurate and what isn't. If you want advice you can trust from someone that has both the formal education and experience to back it up, this is the right spot.