Uses for Goat Milk

The Best Goats For Milking And Things You Can Do With The Milk. Uses for Goat Milk

Looking for the best uses for goat milk?

Goat's milk has long been hailed as one of nature’s most miraculous products. Its popularity doesn’t just stem from its versatility, but its incredible make-up.

​A naturally occurring powerhouse of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids goats milk can be both ingested or put to use around the house and garden. As a hypo-allergenic product, goats milk is often the ideal alternative for those with a cow's milk intolerance.

​🤚Before we dive in, I want to give you a FREE guide that will help you raise livestock for fresh meat, eggs and dairy! Grab your free copy of the Livestock Planning Guide here and start raising animals that will produce for you!

uses for goat milk

So what makes it so great and why should you consider making the switch?

What Makes Goats Milk So Miraculous?

You may be wondering why goats milk is spoken so much more highly of than cows milk. It all comes down to what is in it.

Goats milk is full of alpha-hydroxy acids that break down dead skin cells and encourages skin cell turn-over. It is full of essential vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, C, D and E as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

In soap, it actually puts moisture back into the skin as you wash, rather than strip it away.

Its pH is very close to that of human skin so it maintains the microbiome of our skin (natural bacteria) instead of interrupting it. Add to this that its naturally hypoallergenic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, and you start to understand how amazing it really is.

When ingested, goat's milk is much gentler on digestion.

This is because the fat globules in the milk are smaller than that of cows milk.

These proteins form a softer curd that is less irritating to digestion. It also contains less sugar or lactose, lactose being a well-known irritant to healthy digestion.

​Additionally, because goats milk tends to be less processed than cows milk and produced on a smaller scale, there is less risk of it becoming tainted or losing nutritional value.

Does It Matter Which Goat Makes The Milk?

While all goats produce milk, there are breeds that are better than others. Within the USA, only 8 of the hundreds of goat breeds are actually recognized as dairy breeds. Chosen because of their production volume and superior tasting milk, there are three breeds that tend to be favored.

-Saanen Goats - These goats tend to produce the highest volume of milk with a low butterfat ratio. Butterfat is what gives goat milk its creamy, sweet flavor. These goats are always white or cream in color and have concave faces with erect ears.

uses for goat milk

-LaMancha Goats - Easily identified by their short ears, they can appear to be earless. They come in a variety of colors and are a good all-rounder for dairy production.

-Toggenberg Goats - Originating from Switzerland, they are one of the first officially recognized breeds of dairy goats. They are always brown and white and are moderate producers with low butterfat content in the milk.

Ultimately, the choice of dairy goat breed won’t be the deciding factor in milk production and quality. Diet, environmental factors, health and happiness all play a big part in how well goats produce milk and how great it tastes.

Uses For Goat Milk

There really is no end to the uses for goat milk, some may even surprise you!

Essentially, wherever you use cow's milk, you can replace it with goat's milk instead. In doing so, you boost the nutritional value of your food and can avoid digestive issues associated with cows milk.

​Outside of the kitchen, it’s incredibly versatile. There really are so many uses for goat milk: from personal care to gardening, pet food and more. You’ll no doubt view goat's milk in a whole new light. Buy it fresh or keep some powdered goat's milk in the cupboard so you never run out.

uses for goat milk

The Basics:

1.  Drink it, a fairly obvious use. What better way to harness all the goodness within than drinking it in its most pure and fresh form.

2.  Pour it on your cereal or granola for added nutrition at breakfast. Cook your oatmeal in it for added flavor and creaminess.

3.  Substitute it for cows milk in your favorite recipes. Cheesecakes, fudges, caramels, pasta bakes, souffles and more.

​4.  Freeze it in ice cube trays for blending into refreshing smoothies or make nutritious ice-blocks for your little ones.

Creative And Cost-Saving Cooking:

1. Make your own goats’ milk cheeses such as feta, ricotta and mozzarella. Use the whey as brine to store the cheese and extend its shelf life.

2.  Make your own yogurt and buttermilk. Incredibly simple to do and healthier than sugar-filled, processed store alternatives.

3.  A little more tricky, but goats milk can also be used to make Kefir, a fermented yogurt drink full of probiotics for a healthy gut.

4.  Cajeta, a goat's milk caramel that you can use on pancakes, baked apples or simply enjoy by the spoonful. A guilty pleasure with slightly less guilt thanks to goat milk.

​5.  Ice cream! Who doesn’t love ice-cream? Use goat's milk in place of cow's milk for a vitamin boosted treat with naturally less sugar.

uses for goat milk

Cosmetics And Personal Care:

Goats milk soap

Make your own lush and creamy soap in a few easy steps and enjoy the benefits of moisturized and glowing skin. Don’t like soap? Try a goat's milk body wash instead.

Don’t stop at body soap, make your own goat's milk vitamin boosted shampoo bars and cut back on chemicals and plastic waste in the process. Shiny, healthy and clean hair without the environmental guilt.

It is also possible to make your own goat's milk body balm and lotions.

​Skip the synthetic commercial brands and nourish your skin naturally. Safe on the most sensitive of skin, goat's milk body products can reduce symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. Gentle enough even for babies and fragile, elderly skin, it should definitely be part of your daily routine.

Unusual Extra Uses for Goat Milk:

Did you know that soaking watermelon seeds in goat milk can lead to a bumper crop? Simply soak for 24 hours and then plant. It is thought the protein and vitamins feed the seeds and give them a head start towards fruiting.

Use leftover, past date milk or whey to fertilize your garden, the same goodness that benefits our bodies, benefits the garden. Many plants such as squash, tomatoes and peppers require calcium to grow well - goat's milk provides that in great amounts. The anti-fungal properties of goats milk can also keep your crop healthy.

Feed it to your animals. Nourish your pets by pouring goats milk on their dry food for an added treat. This works for dogs, cats, pigs and even chickens. It can give healthier coats and aid in better egg production for laying hens.

Make hard candies by cooking the Cajeta longer - a great option for a homemade gift and no added nasties. Ideal for those wanting to still include the odd treat in their diet without a long ingredients list. Especially great as a lower sugar treat option for children.

Dehydrated goat's milk is a popular option for hypo-allergenic baby formula. Goat milk formula is said to be closest to human breast milk. It is also easier to digest for sensitive little tummies.

​Lacto-fermentation. If you enjoy fermented foods such as sauerkraut you can take the whey from your goat’s milk and use it to kick-start your own ferments. Fermented foods are packed with probiotics that promote a healthy gut. Gut health is linked with better overall health and immunity.

There really is no end to the uses for goat milk. If you have ever considered switching from cow's milk to goat's milk this is just 18 of the many great reasons why you should.

If you haven't yet, click here to grab your FREE copy of the Livestock Planning Guide and get instant access to my foolproof method for planning for livestock so you can start raising animals for delicious, homegrown meat, eggs and dairy!

Uses for Goat Milk, Livestock Planning Guide

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Do you raise milk goats? Did I miss any uses for goat milk? Let me know below!

Today's post was provided by GOAT Soap Inc.

Bryce age 37 and Emily age 34 along with their two young children, live in Roanoke, Virginia. A passion for using natural and organic products led them to try goat milk soap from a local Farmer’s Market 10 years ago. They were hooked from the beginning and the idea for bringing the highest quality, natural and organic goat milk soap bar to a larger market was born. They worked closely with their artisan friend to learn the art of soap making and began creating hand made, small batch GOAT Soap Inc. They launched their business to the public in March of 2020


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